We are more than an Organization doing good. We are GUTSY!

We are more than an Organization doing good. We are GUTSY!

We are much more than a group of volunteers teaching values to children. We are an Organization of professionals partnering with those responsible for molding young minds to include behavior and attitude coaching in classroom curriculum so the youth can grow into adults who choose…

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Feedback from our educators in Guyana who participated in our first workshop of the new school year.

Thank you teachers from Paramakatoi Nursery and Secondary Schools, Meten Meer Zorg Islamic Academy, and Providence Primary. We value your feedback. The next workshop will be held Monday, October 16 at 6:00 p.m. when we explore more about how to integrate the character pillar of…

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It’s an honor to be recognized by your peers. It was GUTSY’s turn for this privilege when the Guyana Cultural Association acknowledged its work during the Labor Day weekend celebrations in New York City.  GUTSY was one of several organizations and individuals selected by GCA…

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During a visit to the schools involved with the We Are GUTSY, Inc. initiative to coach character skills to students in Guyana, the teachers and Principals shared their experiences with members of the US-based Organization. According to the school leaders, helping students understand what good…

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Five members of the recently formed We Are GUTSY (Guyana) Inc. participated in a workshop hosted by the Robert D. and Billie Ray Center at Drake University, home of CHARACTER COUNTS!  The workshop was sponsored by We are GUTSY, Inc. based in the USA. The…

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Let’s make 2023 a great year. GUTSY educators’ training schedule

Presented by the training team at We Are GUTSY, Inc. For more information contact: GUTSYbackyard@gmail.com or info@weareGUTSY.org

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GUTSY donates $10,000 in tablet devices to students in Guyana.

Children from 6 schools in Regions 3 and 4 in Guyana are now able to access online character skills training from We Are GUTSY, Inc. thanks to the generosity of the USA based Organization and their donors. The initiative started during the Covid 19 pandemic…

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After 5 weeks of virtual training with educators in Guyana we’re about to hit the ground for our in person Character Skills Camp Aug 22 to 26.

We are 2646 miles apart and the desire to make an impact on the well-being of our youth is strong so here we are preparing for our August ’22 workshop and excited to meet in person soon. Way to go Guyana’s educators! www.weareGUTSY.org

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