During a visit to the schools involved with the We Are GUTSY, Inc. initiative to coach character skills to students in Guyana, the teachers and Principals shared their experiences with members of the US-based Organization.
According to the school leaders, helping students understand what good behavior looks like is essential. The training is working, but implementing the program in the classrooms is the biggest challenge. “We understand the need for teaching character, but we need help with how to go about this,” Ms. Suzette Peter, Head Mistress of Malgre Tout Primary, stated. Ms. Peters welcomed the idea of frequent follow-up visits and interaction with the Organization.
We Are GUTSY, Inc. leader also visited Jo’Sel Academy, Providence Primary, Stella Maris Primary, Meten Meer Zorg Islamic Academy, and St. Margaret’s Primary, all schools involved in the program and promised more support, educational resources, and visual aids to assist the teachers.