Five members of the recently formed We Are GUTSY (Guyana) Inc. participated in a workshop hosted by the Robert D. and Billie Ray Center at Drake University, home of CHARACTER COUNTS! The workshop was sponsored by We are GUTSY, Inc. based in the USA.
The 2-day workshop introduced GUTSY Guyana to the fundamentals of CHARACER COUNTS! the program used by the USA-based Organization to teach character development skills in the classrooms. The training included discussions on the importance of identifying the values of the Six Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship, the team approach to character education, and the “Four Keys” method of teaching character skills to help students achieve their potential.
Chandra Hardeo, Head Teacher of Meten Meer Zorg Islamic Academy, one of the workshop participants, said the workshop gave her a better understanding of the importance of teaching character skills to students. “MMZIA has been part of GUTSY’s program since its beginning, and this workshop will help me deal with the challenges when a new concept is introduced into the classroom,” Ms. Hardeo said.
Saudia Ferouz, Juliet Perreira-Smith, Gaitri Singh-Henry, and Tameka McEwan also participated in the training.
We Are GUTSY (Guyana) Inc. was established to support the US-based Not-for-Profit Organization, which teaches conduct and behavior to students in Guyana and engages teachers, parents, and caregivers to assist with coaching the students.