WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE CLASSROOM – over 20% improvement in remedial students’ grades.

Only 2 months after the first GUTSY workshop for students and facilitators of the Meten Meer Zorg Islamic Academy held in Guyana during August this year the reports are encouraging.
Ms. Anzelina Persaud a teacher at the Academy tried a different approach with children who were under performing in the classroom. Instead of criticizing them she taught failure was an option, and urged students to try again. The results are encouraging she said, “the children are more responsive and eager to try until they get it right.”
Indra Sheorattan who is responsible for the remedial program has noticed a change in students’ attendance. “They are showing up regularly for classes and enthusiastic about learning,” Indra said. “Grades are improving daily.”
“Instead of resorting to corporal punishment I practice kindness and patience and help them correct their mistakes and now I am seeing their grades improving,” said Shamrafus Sandia. Instead of 30% I am now seeing 50% and more.
Salika Wood another teacher at the Academy uses the co-operative circle to help her students overcome insecurities. Once weekly we come together in a circle and allow each student to express themselves without interruption or judgement. “I am happy to say that I hardly hear any more derogatory remarks from my children, they’ve learnt to listen to each other and to respect each other” Salika said. They are becoming more confident and outspoken.
The teachers at the Academy are so excited about the difference they are making they are now working towards introducing the “GUTSY” program to the whole school and later on other schools in the neighborhood.