Six Ways Teachers Can Integrate SEL Techniques into the Classroom

1. Start the day with a check-in
Make it a goal to start each day with a personal connection. It doesn’t need to be a time-consuming or elaborate procedure. It could be as simple as giving a warm greeting to welcome each person as they arrive in the morning or asking a question, even if you are teaching virtually.
2. Teach kids how to work in a group
Being able to work in a group setting is an important life skill. Students will learn how to negotiate with others, develop leadership skills, and figure out their own strengths so they can best contribute to the group. Click here for tips to make group work more productive.
3. Build their social-emotional vocabulary
Here’s a free poster, 8 Phrases That Nurture Growth Mindset, that gives students positive phrases they can use to foster their resilience and overcome failure. Hang a large copy on the wall, or give them their own smaller version for their journals or planners.
4. Teach students to monitor their own progress
Make personal goal-setting (academic, emotional, social, etc.) a regular activity with your students. It will strengthen their intrapersonal skills and give them ownership of their own learning. Help them develop the habit of revisiting and adjusting their goals often to monitor progress. Am I meeting my goals? What do I need to work on next? How do I want to grow? Download this free goal setting kit.
5. Teach mindfulness
This chaotic year has created a lot of stress and anxiety for our kids. Practicing mindfulness is one activity that may alleviate anxious feelings and help kids further develop their social-emotional awareness. Here are 15 Books to Teach Kids About Mindfulness.
6. Teach them to work toward a common goal
Classroom jobs teach responsibility and give kids ownership of their classroom. Pride in a job well done is a great confidence-builder. Here are 25 fun, easy job charts you can create for your classroom.
Source: https://www.weareteachers.com/21-simple-ways-to-integrate-social-emotional-learning-throughout-the-day/