SELF CARE: a necessary part of your routine

It was a fitting end to a year of distant coaching for teachers, parents, social workers and other caregivers in Guyana and the USA based Not For Profit Organization We Are GUTSY, Inc. The topic “Self Care” included a lively discussion between the Guyana group…

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Positive parenting and Guyanese caregivers

We are GUTSY, Inc., focused on parents and caregivers in a virtual discussion centered around techniques of positive parenting.  Almost 50 parents eagerly engaged the GUTSY educators and Board in assessing parenting styles and exploring their benefits and disadvantages.   In an informal poll conducted during the…

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Sharing kindness with our GUTSY kids in West Coast Demerara.

Among our most precious partners are orphans who attend the Meten Meer Zorg Islamic Academy, West Coast Demerara, Guyana and who benefit from our coaching in kindness and other core values. In June We Are GUTSY, Inc donated food hampers to assist the children and…

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Coaching in the 2020 “new normal”

Our team and teachers of Josel Education Institute Georgetown, Guyana plan the second phase of their coaching program for students. The children of Josel and their teachers were among the first to benefit from social and emotional development training by the US based Not For…

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We practice what we teach – GUTSY’S RESILIENCY:

The Covid 19 pandemic put an end to the We Are GUTSY, Inc 2020 Guyana program and the USA based organizers return to work with the youth in Guyana. The Organization took to virtual distant learning and using one of their core values, resilience regrouped…

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Kindness is becoming contagious in the classroom since the Georgetown pilot program last August. Our students are catching on.

Students love the Co-operative Circle. Here they communicate freely without fearing someone will be unkind. They are a family in the circle, they feel safe. When they speak everyone else must listen. They show kindness, they want to be acknowledged for so doing. Ms. Beverly,…

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Teachers now use more creative ways to help students perform better in the classroom

Working with children can be challenging. With the guidance of the educators of We Are GUTSY, their teaching techniques and methods of communicating with our children, teaching has become fun and beneficial to the students and us. Aryanna Chiraunjilal, teacher Meten Meer Zorg Islamic Academy.

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WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE CLASSROOM – over 20% improvement in remedial students’ grades.

Only 2 months after the first GUTSY workshop for students and facilitators of the Meten Meer Zorg Islamic Academy held in Guyana during August this year the reports are encouraging.  Ms. Anzelina Persaud a teacher at the Academy tried a different approach with children who…

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Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of the young people in Guyana? Are you a good listener? Would you like to be part of our team?

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