4 E-Learning Tips For Kids During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing issue that has affected every facet of everyday life. Education included. Though Guyana has resumed in-person schooling, a majority of schoolchildren are still receiving online teaching. This change in the routine has been a bit uncomfortable for many students nevertheless, there are some great ways and proven techniques to make virtual learning or e-learning more enjoyable.

Here are some tips for parents about how they can help their kids during e-learning amid lockdown:
1. Establish a Daily Routine
Caregivers need to set up a daily routine along with their kids with age-appropriate activities, giving adequate time for meals, breaks, and other scheduled times when your child can step away from the computer. This helps them to spend their time productively by creating equal opportunities for education, recreation, and family. Also, like any school day, you cant forget recess. Be sure to plan a time for physical activity like playing outside when they are done with their online classes and assignments. This will help strengthen your child’s physical and mental health.
2. Choose the Right Place For E-Learning
Set up a quiet and comfortable learning space in the home with adequate lighting and the best internet availability possible. This way you can reduce distractions and let them focus on the task at hand. Ensure that the space is either close to your home’s internet modem or directly connected to the ethernet cable.
3. Monitor Your child’s Online Behavior
Stay in touch with your kids while they are using the computer, as increased access to the internet may heighten the risk to a child’s safety, protection, and privacy. Follow age-appropriate monitoring levels and use parental control apps for safe online sessions. Most devices have the apps built in and must be activated by a password. If your device does not have such, many parental control apps are free online.
3. Help Children Deal with Anxiety
This is a stressful and scary time for adults. Seeing as children look to adults for stability and direction, they too are afraid, but may not have the words to adequately express it. So, it is important for you as your child’s caregiver to hear their concerns and help them to understand what is happening around them. Make sure to spend some time listening to them and provide age-appropriate information to make them comfortable and feel secure.
4. Stay Connected Virtually
Friendship is crucial for children, even in the time of social distancing and e-learning. Find out some ways to provide opportunities for children to interact with their friends and family virtually in your presence. This helps them to maintain connections and boost their moods.